Unit Conversions Mass

Look at the table below and memorize the metric conversions of all units used to measure the mass of a substance.

In order to convert metric units into English units and other units of measurements, we will use the
conversion factors stated above. Notice that we always use 1 unit of the length to be converted. Once this
is known, the conversion factor, we can then use this to multiply against a unit we wish to be converted.


When going from a large unit to a small unit, you multiply.

When going from a small unit to a large unit, you divide.

There is another way of converting units. It is often called the long way because you need to arrange the
values to make a ratio and proportion equation. For example:

  1.   If 1 ton = 907.19 kg, how many tons will there be in 681.45 kg?


    (1 ton / 907.19 kg) = (x tons / 681.45 kg )

    1 ton x 681.45 kg = 907.19 kg

    X = 0. 75 tons

  2.  Kyla bought 37 oz of beef tenderloin for the dinner tomorrow evening and 50 oz of chicken breasts. What was
    the total weight of her purchases in g?


    3. 04 g

    Total meat bought = 37 + 50 = 87 oz

    Convert oz to g

    (1 g /0.035 oz) = (x / 87 oz)

    87 / 0.035 oz = x

    2485.7 g = x

  3.   Gramps asked Dave to order 3 tons of gravel for the construction of the new pavement outside his house. The
    pricelist provided by the gravel company are as follows:

    100 kg gravel = $45.60

    1. What is the weight, in tons, will Dave need to order?

    2. How much will he have to pay to make this order?

  4. Answers

    a.  Convert tons to kg

    (1 kg / 0.0011 tons) = (x / 3 tons)

    3 / 0.0011 = x

    2727.3 kg = x

    b.  (100 kg / 45.60) = (2727.3 kg / x)

    x = (2727.3 kg x 45.60) / 100

    x = $1243. 65

Try these questions

  1.  Dan bought a 100 kg beef. He had it chopped and divided into packages weighing 3/8 of a pound each.
    How many packages were there?

    Answer: 587 packages


    Convert kg to lbs

    (1 kg / 2.20 lbs) = (100 kg / x lbs)

    X = 2.20 lbs x 100 kg

    X = 220 lbs


    220 / (3/8)

    Use the reciprocal of 3/8

    220 x 8/3 = 587 packages

  2.  The average weight of 50 fresh apples delivered to the market everyday is 230 lbs.
    What is the total weight, in tons the fresh apples?

    Answer:5.76 tons


    If the average, A, is given of a set of n numbers, multiply the average by n to get their sum total.

    50 x 230 = 11,500 lbs

    Convert lbs to kg then to tons

    1.   (1 lb / 0.454 kg) = (11,500 lbs / x kg)
    0.454 x 11,500 lbs = x
    5221 kg = x

    2.  (1 ton / 907.19 kg) = (x tons / 5221 kg)
    5221 kg / 907.19 kg = 5.76 tons

  3.  Leilah went to the grocery store and bought 6 oz of tomatoes and 4 oz of carrots and cabbages each.
    How many grams of vegetables in total did she bought?

    Answer: 400 g

    6 lbs + 4 lbs + 4 lbs = 14 oz

    Convert ounce to grams

    (1 g / 0.035 oz) = (x / 14 oz)

    X = 14 oz / 0.035 oz

    X = 400 g